Protecting Your Loved Ones From Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in Virginia

nursing home care worker mistreating senior resident | Virginia Nursing Home Abuse LawyerThe sight of your once-vibrant grandmother, now frail and withdrawn, sends a chill down your spine. Bruises mark her delicate skin. Her eyes hold a fear you've never seen before. As you stand in the sterile hallway of the nursing home, a sinking feeling in your gut tells you something is terribly wrong. 

If you suspect your loved one is suffering from abuse or neglect in a Virginia nursing home, The Mottley Law Firm is here to help. Our experienced Virginia nursing home abuse lawyers will fight tirelessly to protect your family member's rights and hold negligent facilities accountable.

Understanding Nursing Home Neglect and Elder Abuse

Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many different forms, each leaving lasting scars on vulnerable seniors. As Virginia nursing home neglect lawyers, we've seen the devastating impact of:

  • Physical abuse. This includes hitting, pushing, force-feeding, or improperly restraining residents. Signs of abuse may include unexplained bruises, cuts, chronic pain, or broken bones.
  • Emotional abuse. Verbal threats, humiliation, intimidation, and isolation can cause severe psychological trauma. Watch for sudden changes in behavior, heightened anxiety, or withdrawal from social activities.
  • Sexual abuse. Any non-consensual sexual contact with a resident is a criminal act under Virginia law. Be alert for signs of genital trauma, difficulty sleeping, or unexplained sexually transmitted infections.
  • Healthcare neglect. Failure to provide proper care—like regarding nutrition, hydration, medication, and hygiene—is a form of possible neglect in an elder care setting. Signs of neglect include bedsores, malnutrition, or unsanitary living conditions.
  • Financial exploitation. This involves the unauthorized use or management of a resident's funds or assets. Watch for unusual bank withdrawals, changes to legal documents, or price-gouging on daily purchases.

Important Steps to Take if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

If you believe your loved one is being mistreated in a Virginia nursing home, you must take immediate action.

  1. Ensure their safety. If there's immediate danger, contact local law enforcement or emergency services.
  2. Document everything. Take photos of injuries, keep a detailed log of incidents, and gather any relevant medical records.
  3. Report the abuse. File a complaint with the Virginia Department of Health's Office of Licensure and Certification.
  4. Consult a Virginia nursing home abuse lawyer. An experienced attorney can guide you through the legal process and protect your loved one's rights.

Recoverable Damages in Virginia Nursing Home Abuse Cases

As your Virginia nursing home abuse lawyers, we'll fight for full and fair compensation. Possible damages you may recover in a settlement or trial verdict may include:

  • Medical expenses for treating injuries caused by abuse or neglect
  • Pain and suffering endured by your loved one
  • Emotional trauma
  • Costs of relocating to a new facility
  • Punitive damages in cases of egregious misconduct

When Nursing Home Abuse Leads to Wrongful Death

In the most tragic cases, nursing home abuse or neglect can result in a resident's death. If you've lost a loved one due to a nursing home's negligence, The Mottley Law Firm can help you pursue a wrongful death claim. We'll seek justice and compensation for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of companionship
  • The deceased's pain and suffering before death
  • Loss of financial support

Your Advocate Against Nursing Home Abuse

Navigating a nursing home abuse case can be complex and emotionally draining. The Mottley Law Firm offers compassionate, experienced legal representation to:

  • Investigate the abuse or neglect thoroughly
  • Answer any questions you may have about the process
  • Gather and preserve crucial evidence
  • Secure expert witness testimony to support your claim
  • Handle all communications with the nursing home and their insurers
  • Negotiate for a fair settlement or take your case to trial if necessary
  • Ensure your loved one receives proper care during the legal process

Don't let your loved one suffer in silence. If you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect in Virginia, our experienced nursing home abuse lawyers will fight tirelessly to protect their rights and hold negligent facilities accountable. Contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation and take the first step towards justice and healing.

Kevin W. Mottley
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Richmond, VA trial lawyer dedicated to handling brain injuries, car accidents and other serious injury claims